Are you one of those people who feel it’s up to others to bring happiness to you, instead of going out and finding it yourself? If so, get ready for a long wait. Nobody, absolutely nobody, can make you happy – it’s a personal choice and only you can make that choice.
Have you ever thought . . . I’ll be happy if only he marries me, or I’ll be happy if only we buy this house, or I’ll be happy if only I get that promotion? Wishing doesn’t make for happiness, personal action does. Rather than wait on the sidelines for elusive happiness or contentment to find you, get out there and make it happen! Deep inside each of us is the ability and energy to make our lives wonderful. Of course we all have challenges, but it’s our outlook on life that will influence how we embrace those challenges.
No matter how many negatives may surround us, there is always, always a glimmer of hopeful happiness to be discovered. Choose to live and be happy in the NOW.
Three Essentials to Happiness in this Life:
· Something to do
· Something to love
· Something to hope for