Congratulations, she said YES to a date! Now what, panic? There are some simple things you can do to help smooth along a first date and maximise the chances of it being a great date so read our first date advice and see if it helps you.
First you need to decide where your date should be. We've put together some great first date ideas to inspire you but the most important thing is to choose something that suits you and you think she'll like. Make sure your chosen first date idea will give you chance to talk, but maybe provide some distraction too. A coffee or lunch are good as they can be as short or lingering as the situation dictates whereas dinner does tend to promote lingering, which may, or may not, be ideal!
Black Dating
Next, it's a good idea to prepare yourself for the conversation you'll have with your date. First dates should be about exchange of ideas and information, so don't monopolize the conversation and give her a chance to talk, but also tell her something about yourself to make her feel comfortable and see that you're being open and friendly. (Don't make the entire conversation about yourself - this give a bad impression of being self centered). Confidence is possibly the single most attractive feature a man can possess ... but it's a fine line between confidence and arrogance. When it come to getting to know her, it shouldn't be an interrogation and firing question after question at her will make her feel uncomfortable. If there is an uncomfortable silence then having prepared a couple of topics beforehand will undoubtedly help the situation flow more smoothly; Think of a couple of serious topics you can ask your date questions about ... just make sure you have an opinion on them too!
* Think of a couple of serious topics you can ask her opinion on. For example, something topical such as the environment or a book or piece of art that's received some press attention recently.
* Think of a couple of amusing anecdotes about your life you can share with her. This is a great thing to do as it makes you appear open and honest which will make her more comfortable whilst demonstrating you can be an amusing conversationalist.
* Make a list of things not to talk about - ex girlfriends for example are a definite no-no, as is your
obsession with late night drinking with your mates seven days a week.
Get yourself into the right frame of mind before your date. No-one wants to date a grumpy man so
make sure that you go to the date feeling positive and upbeat. Confidence is possibly the single most attractive feature a man can possess so make sure you're feeling confident about yourself - tell yourself you are an attractive and interesting person, that the date is going to be a good experience and you are looking forward to it and it will be a success and you should go into it feeling great which will show!
Get your grooming and hygiene sorted. There is no excuse for not being clean and presentable on a date. Making no effort will be perceived as disrespectful as she will assume you simply couldn't be bothered. You don't need to arrive looking like a catwalk model in all the latest fashion but you should be showered, shaved if appropriate, have cleaned your teeth and be wearing washed and ironed clothes. If you normally wear aftershave then do so but don't bathe in it, subtlety is the better part of attraction!
Watch your manners. There are very few ladies who don't appreciate having a door held open for them, being shown to a table and allowed to sit first and being told she looks lovely. Just do it with sincerity and be natural, tripping her up in a race to reach the door first tends to mean the gesture loses impact!
Dating tip: avoid politically intense or sensitive areas and heavy religious discussion on a first date unless you have specifically chosen a date on their political or religious viewpoint.
Dating tip: it's obvious but... make sure you have an opinion on the topic too, otherwise you'll look a bit stupid!
Dating tip: don't choose a topic you have no interest in whatsoever as it'll show!