Don’t walk away from the disagreement! Doing so is a coward’s way out. If you find yourself getting too angry (which could lead you to bring up something you regret), instead of walking away, take a break for a few minutes, then resume the argument when you’ve carefully considered about how to get across your point. Don’t go making any threats or demands to get your point across. The whole point of fighting fair is that there are no winner and loser. Instead, the two of you need to reach a compromise together. So making ultimatums or demands is not going to help you to reach that, is it?
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Second, remember that under no circumstances can you resort to physical abuse while discussing things with your partner. The same goes for name calling, verbal abuse etc. You must not do it! Don’t deceive or exaggerate to try and pin the responsibility on your partner. Saying “you always do…” or “you never…” is not going to get you anywhere. It’s a blatant falsehood 99% of the time. Now then, to be able to fight fair, you need to focus on the real reason why you are arguing. Obviously there’s a recent problem that’s caused you and your darling to fight. Stick to that! Don’t just go mentioning something they have done in the past (especially when you have already forgiven it), just because you are losing the argument!
Learn to recognize when you are in the wrong. And don’t be afraid to admit it.
First things first, you need to understand that it’s a good thing for relationships to be competitive. Differences of opinion now and again are a good thing, so long as you both get the time to air your views with the other and sort them out. Supposing one person gets what they want in every argument, that’s no good for other person – there needs to be some give and take, and some heated words are always the best way to achieve that.
Don’t try to read your partner’s mind. Don’t tell them, “you did it because…” or “you always say…” The fact is, this is stupid. You never know what they think! Not really! So maybe you can ask them instead? Try saying, “why did you…?”
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Keep to these rules (and it would be an idea to show them to your lover as well), and then any arguments you have in your relationship will be resolved far easier.
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