Men who seduce women are not setting a trap, they are presenting an opportunity. Either way, the man is the bait and the result is the same in the end. You can by a book or study a website that teaches you how to seduce women, but in the end, it is all up to you.
Do you want to know how to seduce women? Be yourself. Be attentive. Be the kind of man that women want to be with. Who are those guys? They are just like you, only better at seduction.
A man who successfully seduces women is sure of himself. He doesn’t need female companionship, though he does desire it, the same way a woman desires male companionship. A seductive man is assured, he has everything he needs, but he realizes he needs a little something more. He needs good company. He needs a woman the way a woman needs a man. He doesn’t assert his need, but he lets a lady know he is available.
A seductive man is open to listening. He is open to touching. He is open to letting his lady companion express herself. He pays attention. He doesn’t direct the conversation, he follows the flow, adding his insights and commiserating when appropriate. A seductive man has open ears and open eyes. When the moment is ripe, a man with seduction on his mind holds his lady friend’s hand. He touches her arm. He touches her cheek. He watches the woman’s reaction. When she has had enough he withdraws. When she feels the thrill is over, a seductive man doesn’t press the issue. He waits for the next opportunity. Seduction is a series of steps, one moment at a time.
A seductive man is himself. He has a life and he is successful at what he does, even if it is being a night clerk at a convenience store. Not every man can be a high-powered attorney, an influential politician, or a popular celebrity. Attractive women know this. Chances are, the woman you are trying to seduce is none of these things, either. Just be good and content at what you do. Women respect a man who is sure of himself and his abilities. An auto mechanic can be the best lover. He knows how moving parts fit together.
When a man seduces a woman, he appeals to her natural inclinations. He studies her. He learns what she likes, what turns her on and what turns her off, what makes her blush and what puts a spark in her eye. The seductive man sets off sparks whenever he can. When a man seduces a woman he follows her lead without taking control, though he steers conversations and he makes himself available to the woman’s needs.
Nothing is more electric than touch. A seductive man is not overly eager to kiss or to hug, but he does it when it is appropriate, and he does it with a purpose. He does it to set off sparks. If the moment isn’t right, a seductive man doesn’t overstay his welcome. Always keep them wanting more. When in doubt, defer or cut it short. She'll tell you if she wants more. There is always tomorrow. Seduction can be a long enticing dance.
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